Patient Care Instructions

See below for care instructions related to specific dental procedures.

Surgical Pre-Operative Instructions

Please read and follow these instructions carefully. For your safety, failure to do so may result in cancellation of surgery. If you are unclear about anything, ask questions!


Local Anesthesia
  • Every patient will be given local anesthesia for surgery.


IV Sedation/Anesthesia
  • DO NOT EAT OR DRINK anything (including water) after midnight the night before your surgery.
  • You may take prescribed medications with a small sip of water only.
  • You must have a driver to be able to stay the entire duration of your procedure and to be able to drive you home after. Please make sure your driver knows that they and the vehicle must remain on our property the entire time that you are here.
  • Wear comfortable, loose fit clothing. Shirts/tops should be short sleeve, and preferably a dark color.
  • Remove any dark nail polish or artificial nail materials from either index finger.
  • Plan to rest the remainder of the day with minimal activity and have someone with you to watch over you.


Please call our office with any further questions or concerns.

After hour emergencies please call Dr. Robles: 706-627-4039


Instrucciónes Quirúrgicas de Cirugía Especialistas Avanzados de Oral y Facial

Por favor lea y siga estas instrucciones cuidadosamente.

Para su seguridad, el no seguir estas instrucciónes puede resultar en la cancelación de la cirugía. Si no tiene algo claro sobre la cirugía, por favor pregunte.

Anestesia Local
  • A cada paciente siempre se le administra anestesia local para la cirugía.
Estar Sedado/Anestesia
  • No coma ni beba nada (incluyendo agua) después de la medianoche antes de la cirugía.
  • Usted puede tomar medicamentos con solo un pequeño sorbo de agua.
  • DEBE tener una persona responsible que permanezca en nuestra oficina durante toda la cirugía y que manaje a su casa después de la cirugía. La cirugía será reprogramada si viene solo.
  • Usa ropa cómoda y suelta. Camisas/blusas deben tener mangas cortas que fácilmente se suban por encima del codo.
  • Planifique descansar durante el resto del día. No opera herramientas eléctricas, maquinaria o vehículos durante 24 horas después de la cirugía.
  • Nuestra meta es propocionarle un anestésico seguro, agradable y eficaz. Para ello, es imperativo que tengamos su plena cooperación. No dude en llamarnos si tiene alguna pregunta sobre su cirugía o anestesia.

Dental Extraction Post-Operative Instructions

  • Some degree of discomfort is normal after oral surgery.
  • Pain medication will be prescribed to you for your post-operative use. Be sure to take the first instructed dose before your anesthesia is worn off. Take this medication with food or milk to reduce the occurrence of upset stomach. For the first 2-3 days after your surgery, you may alternate Ibuprofen every 3 hours. Do not take Tylenol while you are taking prescription pain medication.
  • There is a possibility of your pain and swelling worsening around days 3-5 after your procedure. This should gradually decrease following those days but do not be alarmed if you are still experiencing mild to moderate discomfort a week after surgery.


  • After leaving the office, you will be provided gauze to control bleeding. Keep slight pressure on this gauze for at least 20-30 minutes at a time. You may change this throughout the day as bleeding persists. Small amount of blood over the first 24 hours is normal.
  • If bleeding persists or becomes heavy, you may soak a tea bag in warm water, squeeze out and place it over the surgical site for 20-30 minutes.


  • An ice pack should be used after surgery for 12-24 hours.
  • Place the ice pack adjacent to the surgical area for 20 minutes on and 20 minutes off. Rotate from side to side where your procedure was performed.
  • Keeping your head elevated will help with swelling. Sit or sleep propped up.
  • After the first day, you may use moist heat on the area for the next couple of days to reduce swelling.


Diet and Mouth Rinses
  • You may eat at any time after surgery if bleeding is controlled.
  • Soft food is advised for the first 1-2 days. (i.e. soup, eggs, grits, mashed potatoes)
  • Normal routine brushing can begin tomorrow.
  • If Peridex is prescribed, begin using tomorrow, rinsing twice a day for 5 days.
  • If an antibiotic was prescribed, it is advised that it be taken along with a probiotic.


Do not smoke, drink through a straw or spit for at least 48 hours.


Please call our office with any further questions or concerns.

After hour emergencies please call (706) 627-4039



Cirugia de Especialistas Avanzados de Oral y Facial

Por favor lea estas instrucciones cuidadosamente:
Si tiene alguna pregunta, no dude llame a nuestra oficina.



Sangrado intermitente es normal. Se puede controlar colocando una gasa fresca sobre las áreas quirúrgicas y morder firmemente durante 30-60 minutos. Si el sangrado persiste o se convierte pesado, puede sumergir una bolsa de té en agua tibra, drene el exceso de aqua y coloque sobre el área quirúrgica durante 20-30 minutos. Si el sangrado persiste, llame a nuestra oficina. Tambien puede experimentar un mal sabor y olor en la boca durante varios días después de la cirugía. Esto es cicatrización normal.



Puede esperar cierto grado de incomodidad con cirugía oral. El dolor debe disminuir gradualmente cada día, sin embargo, no se alarme si todavía tiene algunas molestias una semana después de la cirugía. Si se le da una receta para medicamentos para el dolor, tome la primera antes que la anestesia haya lucido. Tome todos los medicamentos según las indicaciones. Tomar solo Motrin o Advil (Ibuprofen) para complementar los medicamentos del dolor si es ordenado por el médico. Tomelo los entre las dosis de los medicamentos del dolor alternado cada 3 horas. No tome Tylenol mientras esté tomando medicinas de dolor.



Un paquete de hielo debe utilizarse después de la cirugía durante 12 a 24 horas. Coloque una toalla fina entre la piel & de hielo. Aplique en la cara adyacente a la zona quirúrgica. Coloque el paquete de hielo en el rostro durante 20 minutos y retírelo durante 20 minutos. Mantenga la cabeza elevada sobre el nivel de su corazón. No se alarme si usted tiene hinchazón leve una semana después de la cirugía. Hinchazon es normal y puede durar varios días.



Puede comer en cualquier momento después de la cirugía si se controla el sangrado. Alimentos blandos se recomienda para el primer dia (Ej: sopas, budín, yogur, huevos, granos, etc.)



Nauseas a veces ocurren después de la cirugía o pueden ser causado por pedicamentos para el dolor. Comer una pequeña cantidad de comida blanda con su medicamento para el dolor. Si usted experimenta vomito, beba solo liquidos claros. Si el vómito persiste, llame a nuestra oficina.


Enjuagues bucales

A partir de mañana, enjuague la boca con agua tibia con sal dos veces al dia, durante cinco días. Comience mañana a cepillarse los dientes. Use aproximadamente ¼ de cucharadita de sal en 8 onzas de agua tibia. Enjuague suavemente durante al menos 1 minuto.


No fume, beba a través de un sorbeto, o escupa durante al menos 48 horas después de la cirugía.

Oficina (803) 226-9472

Sinus Precautions


  • Blowing your nose: Try to avoid this. After two weeks, blow gently through both sides at the same time. Do not pinch your nose and do not blow just one side at a time.
  • Sneezing: If you must sneeze, keep your mouth open and do not pinch your nose closed.
  • Sucking: Do not drink through a straw for at least 48 hours.
  • Smoking: Do not smoke for at least 3 days. If you must, avoid for at least 24 hours.
  • Pushing or lifting: Do not lift or push objects weighing more than 20 pounds.
  • Bending over: Keep your head above the level of your heart. Sleep with your head slightly elevated.
  • Do not rinse your mouth to aggressively during these two weeks, rinse gently.
  • Slight bleeding from the nose is not uncommon for several days after surgery.
  • You may be advised to take an antibiotic and decongestant as well as your regular pain medication. Be sure to take these medications as directed.
  • An over-the-counter decongestant may be taken if advised.

Implant Placement Post-Operative Instructions

  • Intermittent bleeding or oozing is normal
  • Gauze will be provided for you to place over or around the surgical site for 20-30 minutes at a time as bleeding.


  • There is a chance for slight swelling after your implant procedure.
  • An ice pack should be used on your face adjacent to your surgical site for the first 12-24 hours.
  • Sleep or sit with your head elevated for the first 2-3 days after surgery.


  • Some degree of discomfort is normal after your procedure.
  • Prescription pain medication will be provided to you for your post-operative use. It is important to take medication as directed. You may alternate Ibuprofen every 3 hours between doses of pain medication. If an antibiotic is prescribed, it is important to take the entire amount provided.


  • A soft diet is very important after an implant procedure until further recommended.
  • Do not bite directly into anything. Direct pressure put onto the implant can cause movement, instability or failure.


Mouth Rinses
  • You may begin using Peridex mouth rinse prescribed to you today. Rinse for 60 seconds after meals for 5 days. This will help to prevent any infection.
  • You may begin normal brushing tomorrow. Be sure to be gentle around the surgical site.


If a temporary crown is placed at the time of surgery, be sure not to apply any pressure to the area. This can cause mobility and displacement. When flossing between the temporary crown, be sure to pull the floss through forward between the teeth. Do not pull down as this can cause the crown to come loose.


Do not smoke, drink through a straw or spit for at least 48 hours.


Please call our office with any further questions or concerns.

After hour emergencies please call (706) 627-4039


Biopsy Post-Operative Instructions

  • Slight bleeding is normal for the first 1-2 days after your procedure.
  • Gauze will be given to you to use on the surgical site for the first day after surgery. Change this gauze out as needed. If a biopsy is done of the lip or tongue, you should dampen the gauze so it helps to prevent it from sticking to your tissue.
  • If sutures or stitches are placed in the area, they will fall out or dissolve within a week unless otherwise advised.
  • A follow-up appointment will be scheduled for you two weeks after your surgery. At that appointment, we will go over any biopsy results with you.
  • There is often some swelling after surgery. Use an ice pack adjacent to the surgical site for the first 12-24 hours.
  • A soft diet is recommended for the first 2-3 days following your procedure. (I.e. pudding, soup, eggs, grits, etc.)

Please call our office with any further questions or concerns.

After hour emergencies please call (706) 627-4039

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